#sperimentazione #innovazione #medicina





Solmed Tech is an Italian startup that thanks to the ideas and the skills of its team of developers has created the portal "IGOR Il Prontoculista." Igor is an innovative web application in the way of telemedicine in the field of ophthalmology. 


IGOR is an acronym for Internet Group Ophthalmology Reports. The mission of IGOR is to offer a expert medical advice on Ophthalmology providing a full report of the most common ophthalmic diagnostic examination. By the use of the store-and-forward method, a wide range of operators carry out the exams everywhere diagnostic instruments are available and uploads ophthalmic imaging on the web application which assures reporting within 72hr. by an IGOR qualified doctor selected by the patient, or directly by patient’s doctor if already enrolled. The patient can locate the nearest IGOR Point and book his diagnostic exam as soon as possible. Each reported exam is available on the patient’s personal account and can be analyzed for epidemiological and clinical research purposes. The patient’s privacy is strictly protected by encrypting sensitive data. IGOR is compatible with all major operating systems.IGOR provides a safe, cheap, and fast reporting tool without accessing hospital care.